80"shovel wiring harness???? . Shovelhead - 80"shovel wiring harness???? - i am looking for a diagram to build a fresh wiring harness for my 1981 80 shovel. can anybody help me please???? i am not running blinkers or dash . i am basically looking for the basics headlight tail light starter and ignition,horn, regulator, i have the dyna ignition ,not... www.hdforums.com

Harley Diagrams and Manuals. Demon's Cycle www.demonscycle.com

80"shovel wiring harness???? . Shovelhead - 80"shovel wiring harness???? - i am looking for a diagram to build a fresh wiring harness for my 1981 80 shovel. can anybody help me please???? i am not running blinkers or dash . i am basically looking for the basics headlight tail light starter and ignition,horn, regulator, i have the dyna ignition ,not... www.hdforums.com

'76 flh starter relay wiring . Shovelhead - '76 flh starter relay wiring - I have switched my original starter relay got the small rectangular type that has terminals marked

Wiring for 5 pole switch . Shovelhead - Wiring for 5 pole switch - I mistakenly got an early 5 pole ignition switch to replace my 6 pole - does anyone have a diagram for the 5 pole? I'm sure that I can make it work. www.hdforums.com

1977 fx i need a wiring digram . Shovelhead - 1977 fx i need a wiring digram - I am lookign for a wiring diagram for my 77 shovel FX. The problem I am having is when i turn on the lights it pops the circuit breaker some times its instant other times its only after i relase the clutch in gear. Any links or ideas would be great thanx www.hdforums.com

80"shovel wiring harness???? . Shovelhead - 80"shovel wiring harness???? - i am looking for a diagram to build a fresh wiring harness for my 1981 80 shovel. can anybody help me please???? i am not running blinkers or dash . i am basically looking for the basics headlight tail light starter and ignition,horn, regulator, i have the dyna ignition ,not... www.hdforums.com