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3. So -- I just got my 3 way switch from EZ-GO and I want to wire in my lights -- I DID do a search and just want to make sure this is the way to go.... www.buggiesgonewild.com

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ASEC 330662 3. ASEC 3 WAY KEY SWITCH. Marked 1,2,3. Ideal for use with Roller Shutter Doors. Find it here at a low online price with free UK delivery on orders over £50. www.onlinelockandsafecentre.co.uk

ASEC 3E0663. ASEC 3 WAY KEY SWITCH marked Auto, On, Off. Ideal for use with Roller Shutters. Buy here at a low online price with free UK delivery on orders over £50. www.onlinelockandsafecentre.co.uk