Timeless Select Brushed Copper LED Dimmer and Push Light Switch Combination . Click here for Timeless Select Brushed Copper LED Dimmer and Push Light Switch Combination - Nouveau Antique LED Dimmer and Push Light Switch CombinationSuper Sockets to suit your room. Sockets, Switches, Dimmers, Telephone, Network, Toggle. www.supersockets.co.uk

Arts & Crafts Movement hand forged electrical lighting rocker & dolly switches & sockets. Designers makers of Arts & Crafts Movement hand forged electrical lighting rocker & dolly switches & sockets www.charlieroe.com

Copper Light Switches & Push Button Copper Switches . Luxury quality push button copper light switches, plug sockets and electrical fitting with unique push button styling. Exclusive designer collection! www.livinghouse.co.uk

Hand Forged Hammered Copper Socket & Switches . Click here for Hand Forged Hammered Copper - Sockets and Switches to suit your room. Sockets, Switches, Dimmers, Telephone, Network, Toggle. www.socketsandswitches.com

Varilight Copper Accessories. www.tlc-direct.co.uk