Wiring A Small House . Basic wiring house wiring circuits design a small house house diagram residential electrical wiring diagrams wiring a deck home wiring circuit building a house 2.crocodilecruisedarwin.com

Charging 3 Batteries, Combine 2, Wiring Diagram, Alternators?. My boat's charging circuit is as follows. The big "Shaft" on the left is the prop shaft driving an alternator which is used, via split diode and some switches, to charge a standalone "nav/comms" battery and/or the house battery when sailing and the prop is spinning.
Owner previous to me also added a VSR as you can see in the black additional wiring, which connects the house to the nav battery if house battery is over 13.6V and hence means the mains batts charger also charges the nav/com batt www.ybw.com

Images of House Wiring Circuit Diagram Wire Diagram Images . Sep 22, 2018- Images of House Wiring Circuit Diagram Wire Diagram Images www.pinterest.com