How to Connect the PS4 Slim to a VGA Computer Monitor or VGA TV . Hi, this video shows you how to use the PlayStation 4 Slim Console on a old VGA Monitor without any HDMI ports. This same setup will apply to old Televisions... www.youtube.com

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How to Connect Speakers to Your Laptop (with Pictures) . How to Connect Speakers to Your Laptop. If you're a laptop owner, chances are you've found that the built in speakers leave a lot to be desired. If you watch movies or listen to music through your laptop, buying a set of computer speakers... www.wikihow.com

How to Connect a Computer to a Stereo System: 8 Steps. How to Connect a Computer to a Stereo System. Follow these simple steps to connect your Computer to your Stereo System. Locate your audio out jack by looking at the back of the computer. The out audio jack is usually coloured green. www.wikihow.com

How to play Xbox 360 on PC Monitors and Speakers . NEW!: I MADE A GUIDE ON MY BLOG IT IS MORE IN-DEPTH CHECK IT OUT: http://purenain.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-to-play-xbox-360-on-pc-monitors-and.html This is m... www.youtube.com