DIY Digital Soldering Station . This is a do it yourself project for a digital temperature controlled soldering station. It is an easy project that requires only basic skills to build and it it is constructed entirely from off the shelf components available from online sources. The unit uses a PID temperature controller, an SSR (Solid State Relay) and a⦠pcbsmoke.wordpress.com

Thermocouple Type K . Type K Thermocouple (Chromel/Alumel). Type K Thermocouples are the most commonly used thermocouple. Type K color code and Type K charts. www.thermometricscorp.com

How to Identify Red and Yellow Wires on a K Thermocouple...with a Magnet! (with Pictures). How to Identify Red and Yellow Wires on a K Thermocouple...with a Magnet!: If you don't want to read through this entire narrative, I will cut to the chase with a spoiler:The red wire on a K type thermocouple will not stick to a magnet, and the yellow wire will stick to a magnet!Short and sweet. File this in your brain ... www.instructables.com