Trailer Brake Actuator Installation Instructions and Service Manual. www.jamestowndistributors.com

Technical Information . Trailer Parts Superstore offers this use and maintenance guide for trailer couplers as provided by Fulton Performance Company. www.easternmarine.com

How to Properly Hook Up Your Conventional Trailer. It is important to know how to properly hook up a conventioal trailer. This webpage expalins how to do it. fifthwheelst.com

Compare Repair Kit for vs . Comparison of Repair Kit for Dutton-Lainson Class II and III Couplers vs www.etrailer.com

How to Connect Your Trailer Hitch to Your Tow Vehicle. Here is everything you need to know about safely and properly hitching your trailer to your tow vehicle whether it be a truck or SUV. Trailers come in all shapes and sizes, and to be able to safely tow any trailer you need to make sure it is properly hitched to the tow vehicle. www.transwest.com